Students Guide


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Posted By Priyanka

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We are indeed striving through one of the toughest phase of human existence. The outbreak of Covid-19 has nearly put our lives to a standstill and has altered and faltered our daily lifestyles and routines. To curb the spread of this virus , the authorities are following lockdown throughout the country , as a result of which , almost all facilities are in a closure state. But, education needs to go despite all hindrances, since it’s the only way that can lighten up poverty. Keeping in mind the prevailing circumstances and the necessity of education, the authorities have announced for online classes for all. Hence all the educational institutions have gone in their ways for providing online classes for students. Well, this much of the story is known to all of us and for the past few months you are all acquainted with the online classes , right? However, though these are benefitting you, often you are getting worried and complain of the eye-strains due to these continuous online learning classes. From itching to reddening of eyes, to fatigue and dry eyes and even sleeplessness in some cases are being noticed randomly from students at recent. Yes, this is genuinely a matter of concern. But let’s not get worried and look at the tips, by which you can minimise your eye pressure and keep your eyes precious!

USE OF A LAPTOP/ TAB/ DESKTOP OR A MOBILE WITH WIDER SCREEN : It’s advised to use a laptop, tab or a desktop instead of mobile for continuous online classes. This is primarily because a wider and a big screen will provide lesser pressure and fatigue to your eyesight than a smaller screen. A larger screen enables wide display of things and you don’t have to push your eyes too closer in order to read or grasp them. Adjust your screen settings to have the accurate brightness and contrast. Fix the light in your room accordingly and ensure that it’s not dimmed and that the light falls properly on the screen. And if you want to use a mobile however, go for one with a wider screen. Moreover don’t sit or fix your eyes too closely at the screen.. Ensure to have a gap between 18-24 cms between you and the screen. Hence for this reason, cell phones aren’t recommended , while doing online classes for longer hours.
ADEQUATE BREAKS ARE MUST: Never sit for longer hours at a stretch in front of the system. This won’t only affect your eyesight , but result in body aches too. Hence, take proper breaks after every 30 minutes. Simply walk around and wash your eyes frequently with cold water. This will help to reduce the redness in eyes and prevent eyes from becoming drier.
USE OF GLASSES/ RAY PROTECTING ONES: It’s highly recommended that even if you are blessed with good eyesight, then also while doing online classes use one powerless frame just to negate the harmful rays of the screen for your eyes. You can use one anti-inflammatory glasses, or one which is used normally by working professionals when they are working continuously online. Also, blink your eyes in between.. Often it’s found that , as we get engrossed in some work, we have a habit of continuously staring or fixing our gaze into the same. This results in the dryness of the eyes. Hence, close your eyelids for at least 10 minutes every 30 or 40 minutes and keep the moisture in your eyes intact!
TAKE A WHOLESOME NUTRITIOUS DIET: This is very important for your eyes and body. Ensure to have a Nutritious diet, having intakes of Vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A , we know is good for eyes. Hence have lots of green vegetables, carrots, fresh fruits in your diet. Have milk and whole grain cereals and say a Big No to all junk and fried foods. Drink plenty of water to keep your overall system hydrated.
SAY A BIG HI TO GOOD SLEEP BY BIDING ADIEU TO VIDEO GAMES: Yes , often your tendency is that the moment your online classes are ending, you sigh a big relief and put all your concentration in either playing video games on the phone or put your efforts in the social media during the night time. Both of them are a big No No. Distract yourself from all these , for they not only affect your eyesight, but also result in sleeplessness. Instead give your body the much needed rest , by having a good sleep. A good sleep keeps your eyes it’s moisture and make your brains and nervous system function well, aiding for a healthy you for the next class. So welcome heartily a good sleep for 8 hours.
So, I hope now you are assured of how to maximise from the online classes, without compromising on your eyes. Follow these tips and you yourself can see the difference. After all eyes are our most precious organs and let’s keep them safe and clear for a clear, enlightened future!

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