Students Guide


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Posted By Priyanka

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Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”
-Harriet Beecher Stowe

The feeling of butterflies in stomach before the big day; the sense of uncertainty; the emotion of confusion, betting you’ll not be able to make it; all the feelings and all that deep buried nervousness is a ritual that everybody has to take part in before going to the war. So, you are definitely not alone. One doesn’t have control over the bumpy questions life throws, but one do have power over how happy, enjoyable and memorable one can make the ride to be. Therefore, if you are gearing up for your exams all heated up with pressure, you need to really enhance the way you think. Certain steps that could help you in enriching your mind while overcoming exam weight are-

Think Positively: The power of positive thinking might seem like a cliché but a good attitude and self-belief can do wonders for your motivation during exams. Collect motivational quotes and write down your strengths on cards to look at whenever you need a positive boost.

Take care of your body: Eat well and move often. Endorphins are a widely known mood booster, so between study sessions take a quick jog around the block or play favorite sport with your friends. Also feed your body nutrient high foods like vegetables and protein to keep your body and brain in peak condition.

• Keep updating your to-do list:
Make a list of the topics which you will be studying for the day. Once you have completed a particular topic, strike it off from your to-do list. Doing so will give you a sense of accomplishment, and you will feel that you are stepping closer towards your goal.

Look for variations in studying spots: There are times when you might get bored studying at the same place. In such situations, a change in the place of study/ practice / revision will prove to be helpful. Try out studying in various areas of your house that will make you feel comfortable and productive too.

Emphasis on quality over quantity: Though JEE preparation requires long hours of study, but in the end, it is all about quality rather than quantity. If your friend says that he/she studies for 15 hours in a day, but you can finish the same syllabus in 10 hours, you should not worry about the number of hours. In the end, your level of preparation counts and not the hours of study.

Revise as much as you can: Revision is considered the best way to boost your confidence when you are feeling doubtful about your preparation. At the time of studying, make sticky notes which will come handy during revision.

• Take occasional breaks: Studying for long hours at a stretch will exhaust you, and you will not be able to concentrate on the topic. This may further scare you, adding to your anxiety. To avoid this, organize your study session in such a way that it has occasional breaks. You will notice for yourself that you can focus better when you resume study after these breaks.

• Get proper sleep:
Preparation and rest should go hand in hand. Sleep for 7 hours daily so that you can retain whatever you studied on a particular day, and when you wake up the next day, you are energetic to continue with your preparation. A good sleeping pattern will also keep mood swings at bay and you will be able to focus better.

Move away from temptations: Whether you are trying to have better control of your eating habits or studying for your exams, keeping all the distractions and temptations at bay is an indispensable first step when working towards the elevation of your self-discipline. For example, turn off your cell phone, uninstall websites such as YouTube or social media pages to improve your focus while studying.

Stay optimistic. Having a positive outlook is vital for all phases of life and the same goes for JEE preparation as well. You should always be confident about your preparation, have faith in your capabilities and be confident that your hard work will pay off. Just remember Thomas Edison’s words, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

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