MotivationalStudents GuideVidyamandir

How to boost study motivation during covid-19

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

– Joshua J. Marine

Life has been tossing and turning with each passing day. Sense to see, touch or even feel our friends and family in close proximities has gone numb. Staying within the four walls, social distancing and lack of plethora of other things are quite new for everyone. We are only discovering and figuring out things as we go along. It’s reasonable to go through veracity of emotions and getting distracted and demotivated is not surprising, in fact it’s normal and absolutely fine.

Out of many things that are demanding at the moment, studying from home tops the list. Unquestionably, learning all buttoned up is no fun. It requires all the more vigour and willpower than usual to stay focused. It’s not easy, but it’s definitely something one can adapt and conquer at.

To make this arduous change a bit more light, we’ve summed up few tips below:

  • Have small attainable Goals: Goals move us towards right direction. They’re best when they’re real and achievable. Think about the results you want to acquire and make little efforts everyday towards it.
  • Make your learning fun and interesting: Create a nice, comfy environment. You can also ask your friend to be your study partner so you can easily discuss about your worksheets, assignments while having hands on your progress. Don’t be boring, add some spice and fun element to the way you perceive your studies.
  • Set a Routine: Having an established routine in this hour is one of the most significant yet beneficial thing. Try to invest your time in a manner where apart from studying fruitfully, you can also relax, both of which are needed in equal measures. Everyday routine is one of the driving factors for your motivation.
  • Acknowledge your wins and take breaks: Remember that it is imperative to accept small wins as they will eventually lead you to something great. For instance, watch an episode of your favourite Netflix show, FaceTime with your friends, or read a novel you’ve been trying to. Sometimes taking a break and then resuming your studies helps you concentrate better.
  • Eat and sleep well: Choose healthy snacks for when you study. Have balanced meal with adequate amount of macro and micro nutrients. Having at least 7-8 hours of sleep at night is the best way to help you wake up feeling refreshed and all charged up to kickstart your day.

Even when certain things feel out of control, there might still be few things you can do to make everything better. The key is to find your own best little way to handle the moment. The rest will come when it comes. Time is transient. Look at the bigger picture. Take small steps every day, your future self will love you. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s definitely going to be worth it.

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