MotivationalOnline LearningStudents GuideVidyamandir

Thrashing the online learning blues

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life,

but in a new way.”

– Doris Lessing

The oblivious wake of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our perspective towards learning, forever. Online learning has gained momentum and has become an obligatory element of all the educational institutions all across the world. This style of learning is long-standing and well-known, however, the concept has only uncovered new layers of meaning and power in these challenging times.

The gravity of the situation has tossed the offline teaching process upside-down and in this waking hour, online learning provides best yet effective alternative for students’ education. Despite having had arose as the lifesaver post the closure of the educational institutions, online learning accompanies with it couple of challenges as well.

Attending classes on a laptop or computer all day is hard. What’s more draining is, lack of socialization including less interaction with teachers and friends which can thus contribute in mental fatigue, anxiety and exhaustion. We are undoubtedly having a hard time in adapting and coping with the changes around us, recurrent almost every day. But, alike all situations, there’s a grim of hope and light amidst all the unwanted and dark things. And in order to navigate the bright ways forward, we’ve listed down few tricks which will give you solace in this trying hour whilst helping you thrash the online learning blues:

  • Follow a routine. One of the core things missing from your life due to lockdown is routine and consistency. Maybe, it’s time to design a new one. Form a new study time-table around your online classes. Devote time for reading, studying for exams, as well as time for doing whatever you want to do. Having balance right now is more important than ever. Moreover, it’s crucial we give ourselves ample time to chill and catch our breath.
  • Communicate with your friends. Talk to the people who have the same exam or workload as you. Plan your study sessions with your friends, ask each other questions and discuss what you have learned. It’s important to have friends who push each other especially, during these uncertain times.
  • Give yourself a break. It’s a really tough time for everyone. That’s why you need to take time for yourself. Plan just 30 minutes for yourself every day and take a walk indoor, try meditating, listen to soothing music or a podcast. Take very good care of your health and sleep. It’s important not to let yourself burdened with exam pressure and it’s completely normal to take some time out from your online classes, study routine and give your mind, body and soul the treat of tranquility that it deserves.
  • Celebrate every day. Even if you think you’re moving slowly, know that every step counts no matter how small. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and showing up for yourself as often as you can.

At the end of the day, just remember that this is momentary. Someday, not far from here, these dark times and challenges will be behind us. This is life. It has infinite twists and turns but what’s motivating is the fact that we always rise high after every fall, that we will never give up. For now, we need to focus on taking care of ourselves, our families, and do all that we can to make this place a better place to live in.

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