JEE MainMotivationalVidyamandir

JEE Main may 2021 postponed: Don’t hold back your preparation

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“Do not let what you can not do; interfere with what you can do.”

–John Wooden

Life never goes as planned, it’s as uncertain as the next JEE exam you are about to give. However, no matter how much oblivious you are to the questions you’ll be thrown at, you can always be well-prepared to fight a fierce battle and let exams and life call it shots-with the hope that the victory will forever be yours!

JEE Main 2021 May Exam has been postponed by the National Testing Agency amid surge in COVID 19 cases in the country. The announcement has been made by the Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal. Moreover, students must keep a check on the official site for more updates on the revised dates. 

With the years unfolding and the JEE competition getting tougher, adopting right steps at the right time will not only enhance you to perform your best but it will undoubtedly act as a cherry on the cake. The feeling of uncertainty and anxiety when the final dates of the exam are not out, is quite natural. But managing and planning can help a great deal. 

  • Have a plan before you start studying: Be clear about your goals, strategy and the resources (coaching or study material) you require in your target exam preparation. The more you prepare ahead of time, and get clear on exactly what it is you want, need, or should do, the easier and faster you will move once you start the preparation.
  • Time Management: Time is priceless. We all know that time and tide wait for none. Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Your success actually depends on managing time efficiently. After having a proper laid out plan, make a `To-Do’ list and strictly adhere to it. Also, plan short breaks in between your study time. Make sure that you don’t exhaust yourself. Efficiency is about knowing your concentration limits. Maybe you need to take a 10-minute break after an hour of study. Great. Do that. Get up and have a drink of water, walk around, etc. Come back after break for a fresh study session.
  • Stay focused: The very first step to be successful at anything is to have focus. You should have a plan and a fixed routine, in which you have balance between everything, depending on your strengths and weaknesses. You should be meticulous, there are thousands of students preparing along with you, thus to ensure that you are a step ahead, you should be diligent and focused.
  • Study the important formulae: Refer to the short notes to revise the important points as well as the formulae. It is important to use the short notes which will save time and will create a room to skim through the most important points for each topic. Furthermore, check the topics which are measured to have more weightage as per the last years’ JEE Main question papers.
  • Analyse your performance: Analysing your performance in tests is an exceptional way to identify and work on your weaknesses and brace your strengths.  Time yourself while solving questions. Time management and the pattern of solving questions is important to clear JEE with good rank. Analyse and improve on your weak areas. Never think about the marks and ranks but divert all your attention on the preparation. The marks and ranks follow according to the preparation.
  • Make notes and review them: Write down new definitions, terms, and phrases. Make diagrams, charts, and tables that summarize information. You will need them later to help you in understanding the concept in a well-organised yet effective manner. Give regular mock tests to check your speed and accuracy. This will also give you an idea on your performance and the areas wherein you need improvisation.
  • Get help and feedback: Always have an eye for your learning and practicing patterns. It’s not what you do but how you do. Take help from your teachers regarding the efficiency of your learning methods. Always be curious and hungry to know more, not only throughout your JEE preparation but as long as your heart is pumping blood. Always try to maintain a healthy competition with your peers. Learn from them. Learn with them.
  • Be positive: At the end of the day, just remember to stay positive and calm. It’s your attitude that largely decides the effectiveness and productivity of your learning style. Studying smart is all about reducing stress and producing optimal results. When we feel good from within, our performance spontaneously goes up. Besides this, sustain a healthy lifestyle and take balanced diet to be more productive. A strong mind lives in a strong body
  • Work Hard and be Stress – Free: To grab that seat in IIT, apart from working hard you have to also maintain your poise and stay calm. This ensures greater probability of clearing the JEE with a top score. The key elements of success probably are hard work, confidence and preparation without any pressure.
  • Be Brave: Don’t be afraid of failures. If you dreamt of getting into IIT, you’re accustomed to feel overwhelmed, and the feeling of not being able to do it will creep in every now and then. It’s in the moment like these that you’ve to gather your courage, build yourself up, look inside the warrior in you and keep going.

The motivation of life is not static but dynamic; it keeps on changing for every path you choose. For those of who are aspiring for IITs, there is no single path for your goals. There are several ways to climb the success ladder, which you should be able to decide. Unquestionably, there are boundless expectations and a lot to study but don’t let stress overwhelm you. Like anything else, exam is just a small battle in the war of life and as long as you don’t give up, you’ll be known as a winner. So, keep fighting, stay determined, trust yourself and know that you have got this!

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