
How to succeed during adversities?

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.” 

~ Kenji Miyazawa

Life is what happens when you are busy thinking about your problems. An incessant series of small and large difficulties, life never ceases to push us through pain and sufferings. Irrespective of how smart and clever, rich and poor you are, you’ll undeniably face challenges and nerve wrenching adversities almost every day of your life. In fact, each and every atom in your body owes a lot to the adversities that you’ve encountered throughout your life. You are what you are today because of the challenges that were thrown at you. And had it not been for those deep falls, you wouldn’t have rose up so high. It takes a lot of guts to gather up and work towards building the pillars of yourself. It is something which is an everlasting process and takes relentless effort every day. Few ideas that could help you reflect upon as to how to succeed during adversities, are:

  • Embrace it: The best way to fight through any life struggle is to accept your current reality in contrast to denying it or fitting into the boundaries of your comfort zone. When life knocks you down hard, find the root cause, own it, and forge ahead.
  • Exercise self-compassion: We all suffer complex times at some point in our lives. However, more often than not we fail to show empathy for ourselves when we are in anguish. If you want to overcome adversity sooner, after you’ve embraced it, the next step is to be more self-compassionate. By doing so, you will improve your emotional well-being whilst imparting yourself with the confidence to rise up and keep moving forward.
  • Be grateful: If life threw you a curve-ball, use it as an opportunity to grow and gain new perspective. Don’t sit back and lament over what’s gone wrong instead, try to look at the learnings you could extract while preparing for the road ahead.
  • Adversity offers valuable insights: Adversity is a great teacher. It helps you gain valuable insights. Learn from your mistakes. Take a hard look at your planning. Focus on areas that are within your control and ask yourself what more can you do next time.
  • Never give up: Keep marching. Keep moving forward. You must approach the problem determined and motivated. Sometimes problems and impediments are a chance to create alternative paths, to dream bigger, to push forward and take even larger leaps. But whatever you choose to do, don’t ever give up. 
  • Have a purpose: Goals in life will help you stay motivated. Sometimes things happen beyond your control, and that can knock the wind out of your sails. But if you’re working on something meaningful to you, when something is important to you, you’ll always find a way back to it.
  • Have a positive outlook: A healthy amount of optimism goes a long way when you’re faced with a bad situation. It may seem cliché, but sometimes the darkest storm clouds really do have silver linings. Try cultivating positivity and refuse to let pessimistic voices and naysayers invade your mind.

Life is full of adversities and struggles. It’s through difficult times that we learn the most important lessons in life and build resilience. Adversity often presents opportunities we might otherwise miss. Now is your chance to dig deep and face this obstacle with our heads and spirits held high. Difficult times present you with the chance to change course, reinvent yourself or find an unexplored terrain that will get you over this hurdle. The true secret to success is the ability to embrace adversity as a chance to change ourselves and our situation.

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