MotivationalStudents GuideVidyamandir

Success is a journey of thousand miles

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how long it will take or how hard it will be. We make the journey by taking each day step by step and then repeating it again and again until we reach our destination.”

– Joseph B. Wirthlin

In a world where everything seems like a competition, the burden of running in a race appears to be exhaustive and a means to a life devoid of happiness. The very old yet well-known hare and tortoise story is not hidden from the sight of the majority of the people across the globe. The story’s “slow and steady wins the race” moral was quite eye-opening; however, one more often than not forget the good messages that a once upon a time story had to impart. The hustle of exams, dream of cracking JEE or NEET, stepping foot one after the other- all contribute equally to the forgetting of the lessons we’ve once learnt.

The surplus pressure of winning and only look at the end goals directs to anxiety, depression, hopelessness and what not. What if you forget what will happen one or two years down the lane and focus on what and how you can prepare today? The journey becomes much clearer and more enjoyable. And before you even know it, you’ll already have accomplished what you’ve ever desired. Incessantly looking at the vertical of your final goal is not going to motivate you. Often, in our attempt to make life successful, we skip experiencing the beauty of little small things that constitute our days.

Looking at your peers studying more will make you trip and fall instead, try closing your eyes while only focussing on your preparation for the next JEE or NEET exam that you are about to appear for. Try not to compare your lives or situations with that of your friends. Moreover, limit your social media intake. Concentrate on how you can buckle up and better yourself every day. It’s okay to fall again and again along the way. It’s fine to miss the deadline or even skip to follow a time-table for the day. Just stay consistent. Get up after the fall. Wake up again to your time-table. And realise, What’s even success without failure? How’d you know the importance of winning when you don’t lose in the process? Devour the fall with as much grace as you’d embrace the rise. It’s not about whether you’ll be able to crack the exam or not, it’s about how much you enjoyed and learnt all through the ride knowing that success is not a one-step destination rather, a journey of thousand miles.

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