Students GuideVidyamandir

Class 12th exams scrapped: Make the best use of time for JEE/NEET preparation

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“If you prepare yourself at every point as well as you can, with whatever means you may have, however meagre they may seem, you will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it appears. Without preparation you cannot do it.”

-Eleanor Roosevelt

The universe is a strange place that we humans are existing. Our lives are nothing but a pre-planned game of tests and adversities. Life goes on so does the game. Last couple of months have been draining for each and every one of us. The game that the pandemic has been playing is totally out of our comprehension. It isn’t quite really possible to predict what’s coming up next but for now, let’s try to look and change the things we can. While the cancellation of class 12th board exams has generated assorted responses, it’s still imperative to know that most of entrance exams are bound to happen, however, oblivious to the ‘when’ and ‘how’. We definitely can’t control most of the game that life plays with us but, we can make the best use of our time while giving it a tough competition.

Below are few tips that you could adhere to in order to prepare for your JEE/NEET exams whilst optimizing this time to its utmost horizon:

  • Set a proper time schedule: Making an organized time table and chalking out one’s time according to the study plan will not only help them to increase productivity but will also aid in keeping a check on their progress. Plan a routine in a way wherein you don’t get overburdened. Try to follow a smart time table rather than that of a hard one.
  • Take the online road: Consider enrolling in for the online preparation classes. This will help you in getting one step closer to your JEE/NEET dream- in a sense that it will entail in-depth understanding of the concepts while equipping students with all that there’s required to crack entrance exams. VMC’s Success Avenue Program is exclusively built for class 12th droppers, which stands on the foundation of imparting quality, effective and seamless education whilst making students realise their potential.
  • Pay heed to the NCERT books: NCERT forms the root of engineering as well as medical entrance exams and following the same thoroughly would give you an extra edge. Most of the chapters and concepts are common and hence if you can master them, you would surely be ahead of the race.
  • Make revision your ally: There’s no alternative to revision and so keep on revising till the last day. Consider the termination of 12th board exams as God’s good plan and try to divert all the energy while prepping up for JEE/NEET. Revise the theoretical concepts first and then try to focus on their applications part. Solve the test series, key questions, and workbooks as much as you can. Learn from your previous mistakes and make a note of important formulas and diagrams. Go through these once every day to keep your preparations afresh.
  • Mock tests to your rescue: Take mock tests regularly and analyze your performance. It will help you to demarcate your weak areas, thereby strengthening your preparations all the more. Also, giving such tests will help you in growing your speed and confidence level.
  • Put your focus on: Sometimes the only thing standing between you and your goal is focus. Therefore, try focusing on the best path and do what’s right for you. Don’t stumble over any block instead, put all your heart and soul into things that could help you reach from where you are to where you want to be.
  • Let stress take a backseat: Immerse yourself in your studies, but never let stress overburden you. De-stress yourself by tuning into your favorite music once a day, or by meditating in the morning or by simply chatting with your family members. Take proper sleep of at least 8 hours in the night, it’ll keep you motivated for the next day. Remember, stressful preparation is indirectly proportional to fruitful results, hence, give stress a backseat.

Just remember to accept life for what it is- a bounded span of time with unbounded possibilities. And know with ultimate certainty that, great things are going to happen. You just have to do your part by preparing yourself and being ready. Make the best of the moment while it’s still in front of you.

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