MotivationalStudents GuideVidyamandir

Ways to enhance your mental clarity and focus

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brough to a focus.”

Alexander Graham Bell

There are times when we’re simple incapable to focus and pay attention. Despite pouring our very best, it’s not just probable to curtail our mind from wandering off. While some of us start having vivid dreams, others indulge thinking about all the things they need to do. We get involved in all kinds of stimulating thoughts instead of doing what we’re actually supposed to do i.e., clearing our mind and paying attention. It’s true that we cannot help but lose focus at times, often without even realising it and a clutter of thoughts in the mind and lack of focus can be quite a problem.

Enhancing one’s mental clarity and focus takes time and patience. There will be times when it’ll be quite an uphill task to train your concentration, however, if taken into consideration few points, you can not only improve but also master the art of it. So, here are few ways that can be greatly beneficial to improve your mental clarity and focus:

  • Organize your physical space: Your physical space is directly proportional to your mental space. There are no two ways about the fact that physical mess is off-putting and shells your mind with unnecessary stimuli. The space or the area where you study should be a reserve. Any items or things not in use should be kept outside your vision.
  • Develop a routine: Having a set daily routine or a morning ritual creates an acquainted comfort zone which could thus enable your mind to do it’s best and most focused study. Be it a cup of coffee or some meditation before you start studying, experiment with routines that let you be fruitful and attentive.
  • Avoid multi-tasking: The results could be prolific only when you focus all your attention on what you’re doing at the moment. If you allow distractions to intervene your schedule, it is possible that the productivity of your study will grieve from it. On the other hand, if you are able to focus gravely on the part of your syllabus at hand, you’ll certainly be able to unveil your utmost potential. Therefore, whatever you do, whichever subject or part you decide to study, do it with the greatest focus and attention.
  • Work/Rest proportions: In order to focus well on your studies throughout the day, it is imperative to allow your mind to rest and take small frequent breaks. Taking a well-deserved pause will not only refresh you but will kickstart your mind to perform better when you resume your studies.
  • Diet and sleep: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle makes the body and the brain better and more functional. Incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet will avoid fatigue, which could act as a barrier in achieving productivity. Drinking water from time to time will ascertain that the body is revitalized and free of unwanted toxins. Laterally, it is also crucial to sustain a healthy sleeping cycle which is necessary for the relaxation of your mind and body.

It might seem a bit difficult in the beginning, but you must never forget that increasing your determination and, enhancing your mental clarity and focus is in your hands and is possible. It will surely take time and patience to adopt these skills, but don’t get dispirited by the challenges along the way and always remember that good things take time and everything will be worth it.

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