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How to cultivate self-discipline?

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“With this magic ingredient, you can accomplish anything and everything you want to, and it is called self-discipline.”

– Brian Tracy

Self-discipline is the sheer ability to go beyond the limits, stay motivated and take action irrespective of feelings and emotions. In every goal you want to reach and in every dream you want to achieve, self-discipline is the secret yet most important ingredient. It is something you pursue for yourself, in spite of the unfavorable odds. It is one of the fundamental keys in living life to its utmost potential. The greatest fight of life is mostly with oneself and hence, it’s all the more important to cultivate self-discipline. If you can be disciplined then you can achieve anything that you set your heart and mind to.

There are numerous steps that you could incorporate in your day to day life in order to propel your self-discipline, and they are:

Set fresh goals and have a plan: It’s important to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve in life. If you don’t know where the track is leading, then you are bound to get lost. Remember to prioritize. A clear plan sketches each time-period step you must take to reach your goals. Have a mantra to keep you focused and motivated. Adopting this method would not only help you stay on track, but would also aid you emotionally to connect to your dreams, and set up a clear finish line.

Be the hardest working person in the room: Nobody is born perfect. Just like any other skill, self-discipline is a learned behavior. It demands a lot of self-work and practice. No matter how challenging or draining it may seem, with consistent effort and focus you can do wonders. Work on building a disciplined life diligently, day in and out and push your boundaries a little extra with each day.

Pull away from temptations: Whether you are trying to have better control of your eating habits or studying for your exams, keeping all the distractions and temptations at bay is an indispensable first step when working towards the elevation of your self-discipline. For example, turn off your cell phone, uninstall websites such as YouTube or social media pages to improve your focus while studying.

Plan breaks and exercise self-rewards: Self-discipline does not mean your new routine needs to be watertight. The absence of breathing space can often result in failure. So do not forget to plan short breaks and rewards for yourself whilst practicing self-control.

Forgive yourself and move forward: Developing a new manner of thinking won’t always go rendering to plan. You will have ups and downs, great successes, and out and out failures. The key is to keep moving forward. When you have a setback, recognize what instigated it and move on. It is easy to get wrapped up in guilt, anger, or frustration, but these emotions will not help improve self-discipline. Instead, use the glitches in your plan as learning experiences for the future. Forgive yourself, and get back in the game. Don’t let yourself get wrapped up in the negative emotions, as they will only drag you further down and obstruct your future progress. Learn from your slips and excuse yourself.

Self-discipline necessitates practice and repetition in your day-to-day life. Enhanced self-discipline will enable you to live an open life by helping you to make healthy choices and not the emotional ones. Learning to effectively lead yourself and others all comes down to discipline. Self-discipline has been mentioned time and time again by those who have accomplished greatly and have attained enormous success. Self-discipline, without a doubt, leads to triumph. Just know that, “Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most.”

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