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Posted By Devnaa Mishra

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 “Unleash in the right time and place before you explode at the wrong time and place.”-Oli Anderson

What a powerful set of words!

Do you really feel that you are an intelligent person? Check again!

How does one define their intellectual assets? How self-aware are you of your brainpower?

And is there anything beyond that intelligence level that you are skipping out on?

It is indeed an honor to pass out from a prestigious college/university. It is considered as an upskill, and I wouldn’t agree more! You are considered as being a step ahead of your peers if you probably topped that institution! Gives you such a kick, right? But as you get maturer, older, and I don’t mean the number of years. but, when you effectively begin to understand what is it that really keeps this world going. It is then that you begin to understand that a stronger force is at work. Yes, there is absolutely no doubt that there is something far superior to your intellectual brain, alone!

The key to success lies in many different aspects. It talks about your academics, but if this is not twined with your emotions, there is a big chance that you may have to experience downfalls too!

Emotional intelligence has been a term in education circles for a long time, and for good reason. EQ (Emotional Quotient) is right up there with IQ (Intelligence Quotient) in every educator’s quest to produce well-rounded, accomplished persons. The ability to recognize, use, comprehend and control emotions in a healthy and successful manner is characterized as EQ. This ability allows pupils to empathize with others and themselves, as well as deal calmly in stressful situations. It has an impact on relationships, academic achievement, and even how students deal with stress. This is a characteristic of growth that is becoming increasingly challenging in a world where academic success is the sole focus. These days, more and more studies are being done on how emotions affect learning. In fact, a study of medical students in Iran discovered that those with higher emotional intelligence performed better academically.

Emotional Intelligence has four domains:


Through reflection and introspection, self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively.


Our ability to control our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions in a conscious and effective manner is referred to as self-management. In diverse scenarios, someone with good self-management abilities knows what to do and how to act.


The ability to empathize and understand the viewpoints of others, including those from various backgrounds and cultures.


Relationship management is a method for keeping an organization’s audience engaged on a regular basis. This management might take place between a company and its clients (business to consumer [B2C]) or between a company and other companies (business to business [B2B]) (business to business [B2B]). Instead of considering the relationship as purely transactional, relationship management tries to develop a partnership between a firm and its customers.

Now let us know, how these domains of Emotional intelligence helps students and academics.

How does self-awareness help in education?

Students who learn to think critically about their own actions, feelings, and skills have a much better chance of succeeding in school and in life. Self-awareness is what most people name it, and it can help pupils figure out what they really need and desire out of life.

Without self-awareness skills, thinking can be distorted by self-deception. It is a mental process that can lead to someone being uninformed and causing them to miscommunicate, mislearn, and misinform others—can distort thinking if self-awareness abilities are lacking. Self-deception can be defined as a skewing of our cognitive awareness in order to escape pain and anxiety, cope with life’s difficulties, and make meaning of seemingly incongruent situations. This emerges as a misalignment of stated and real conduct, which frequently leads to feedback avoidance, which can have a detrimental impact on how evidence is obtained, conclusions formed, and lessons learned. Self-deception affects the majority of people at some point in their lives.

We cannot effectively learn about ourselves and our own personal needs, strengths, and shortcomings if we are not adept in self-awareness processing or if we are in denial. Accurate and relevant knowledge about ourselves as people is essential for lifelong learning and development. A lack of this understanding might have disastrous consequences for our learning process and results. Individuals may have more influence over their lives as a result of the self-awareness process. The process is discovered to be significant in “meaning-making” and is a major concern for both academics and practitioners in the fields of education and leadership.

Self-awareness, reflection, and strategic thinking are some of the metacognitive abilities that have an impact on student learning because they require the ability to draw on prior knowledge to synthesize material, correct misconceptions, ask questions, and draw inferences. In emotional intelligence, self-awareness becomes the most crucial construct. Further research demonstrates self-awareness as a skill for coping with the complexity and turmoil of modern society. Self-awareness is also applied to the authentic leader/follower theoretical framework and process by other researchers. In order to produce more real leaders from authentic followers, many people encourage self-awareness, trust, and participation.

Self-awareness leads to the creation of an unconscious feedback loop, which is essential for monitoring and managing behavior. This is deeply ingrained in our identity, enabling sensitive and appropriate responses to other people’s judgments. According to self-awareness theory, those who are more aware of how they are regarded by others are better at incorporating information from others into their self-assessments and, as a result, their conduct. Leaders who demonstrate that they are open to feedback from others are more effective.

How does self-management help in education?

Self-management enables students to stick to their goals for finishing projects, studying for examinations, and remaining focused in class. Self-management education plays a vital role in shaping the minds of the people. So what actually is self-management education? Self-management education (SME) is a term used to describe programs that teach people with chronic illnesses how to live their lives to the fullest. For many people, this means less worry, more energy, and the capacity to accomplish more of the things they want to do. Clinical studies have shown that SME programs lessen symptoms and increase the quality of life. Key methods such as goal setting and self-monitoring can be learned through an SME program. These tactics can assist you in making smart health decisions so that you feel better. To put it another way, you’ll learn how to better “manage” your tasks.

It has been established that teaching kids self-management skills improves academic achievement, productivity, time on task, and reduces problem behavior. Self-management measures for pupils should ideally begin before harmful traits arise. They can, on the other hand, replace disruptive attributes with more desirable ones. A self-management plan is a collection of tools that help people develop and maintain their independence, self-reliance, and motivation. Self-management skills are more important than an educational ideology for kids to learn.

How does social awareness help in education?

According to research, students who have a high level of social awareness are better able to adjust to their surroundings, empathize with others’ viewpoints, and engage in fewer disruptive classroom behaviors. As a result, pupils are able to concentrate on their studies. Students with high levels of social awareness are also better able to communicate constructively with their peers and resolve problems when they arise, according to the findings. These children gain from peer learning and are aware of how to utilize social resources.

People who are socially conscious learn to look beyond themselves and recognize that the world revolves around them. It encourages people to set aside their prejudices and preconceived notions about how the world works or should work.

The importance of social awareness in a child’s education cannot be overstated. It permits a learner to think about other people’s perspectives and understand their requirements. By connecting with people from various backgrounds, social awareness helps youngsters improve their social abilities.

Students that are socially conscious can recognize and use the resources available to meet society’s demands. It also reflects in their classroom behavior, resulting in a conducive learning atmosphere. It promotes communication, collaboration, social responsibility, and professionalism, all of which are beneficial in the workplace.

How does social awareness help in education?

In an era of shrinking budgets and fierce rivalry among institutions, relationship management (RM) in students has emerged as a critical tool for enrolling paying students and maintaining a long-term connection, which benefits the university financially and improves its reputation.

Relationship management enables a firm to develop better, stronger, and longer-lasting customer relationships. Increasing Our Imaginative Capacity Good interpersonal relationships at work and academics contribute to a positive environment by allowing us to be creative and demonstrate our abilities.

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