Important DatesVidyamandirVMCWHAT DO YOU THINK?


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Posted By Devnaa Mishra

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…Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution had three main components: that variation occurred randomly among members of a species; that an individual’s traits could be inherited by its progeny; and that the struggle for existence would allow only those with favorable traits to survive…!

We will not get into the details of the theory that was laid down by the great Charles Darwin. Though, without a doubt, his philosophy had an indelible impact that is ingrained in each one of us. On this day, 12 February we must salute the geologist, biologist who left an impeccable impact on our very existence. Let us take into consideration the relevant effect on our lives as a whole. 

How does the king of the jungle survive, or, the smaller animals? The bigger animals eat the smaller ones, and the smaller ones eat further smaller ones! The birds feed upon live worms to be able to survive. Many animal lovers may not like to see a lion/tiger attack a deer, but the fact of the matter is that that is the only way of survival for it. The same goes for us. 

But the difference that we are going to look at here is not the prey, because there is a very big contrast between us humans and animals, and for sure, we all agree on that one! We are those creations that can survive because our characteristics can be honed and molded if need be. We are not looking out to bring an end to another life to enrich ours. 

If our planning is right then there is no doubt in the fact that we will survive, and that survival will make a prolific testimony to many. As students, this philosophy can do wonders. Only the most capable can indeed fit into this challenging world, but if the roots are watered and given ample care, the fruits are bound to appear.

We all have aspirations and dreams to see ourselves in a particular social setup. Some of you could aspire to own your BMW, while others would have a craving for building bridges, or maybe, invent a life-saving vaccine. Whatever it may be, it is good, because if you dare to dream big, you will work towards it. You will have to plan a strategy for every step, whether it is self-studying or going to school to taking extra classes for competitive exams, so on and so forth!

The planning has to get started at a very early stage so that there is absolutely no fear of failing or falling. Say, for instance, you wish to be an engineer when you grow up. In such a case you will have to first, settle this thought in your mind, and consequently, start exploring the ways, means, and, tools that will bring your projection of life to fruition. 

Please remember that it is always the survival of the fittest. You just have to have all your bearings right to be a winner in this unavoidable race called, ‘life.’ We all are participants here trying our best to make a difference, but never forget that the competition is fierce. And the one ammunition that will always put you in the winners league is ‘education’, or ‘academics’. Apart from this, if you are someone who believes in hard work, know that more than half the battle is won! While others who look out for shortcuts and are amongst the ‘hardly work’, well, God be with them!

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