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Board Exam 2023: Roadmap to Score Maximum Marks in Mathematics

VMC Board exam 2023 Posted On
Posted By Deepak Mishra

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When it comes to scoring maximum marks in CBSE Board Exam 2023, then the final few months of your preparation are extremely important. It is challenging to study for a test that is thought to be one of the biggest exams of your life. Board examinations are likely the first hurdle you will encounter as a young child among the many others you will encounter in life.

The good news is that with just one month of study, you can easily achieve 90+ in Board Exams and in Mathematics. Additionally, you have just enough time to prepare.

Here are some helpful hints that can make your exam preparation more efficient and effective.

Smart time management:

Smart time management is the first step to go when there isn’t much time left. Your ability to manage time will determine how you perform on the test. Make sure you devote the appropriate amount of time to the subject based on your level of expertise and the scope of the curriculum.

Extensive study of textbooks:

Building concepts without mastering the fundamentals is a bad and time-consuming study strategy. Textbooks give students a deep understanding of the fundamentals, and once they have this understanding, they can more quickly solve complex mathematical problems.

Typically, there is virtually little probability of receiving a question outside of the required textbooks. Make sure you are familiar with every idea and subject in your textbook. Tables, graphs, and diagrams shouldn’t be ignored as questions can be asked from anywhere.

Switch between topics:

Nobody enjoys studying math for six hours straight. Give yourself a variety of topics each day to reduce your risk of getting bored quickly.

Don’t overload yourself with topics you find tough or don’t take on all the simple topics in one day. To achieve the best results, begin the day with an easy topic for about an hour, then go on to a more challenging one once you’ve warmed up.

Solve past year’s question papers:

Try to answer at least five past-year test questions to obtain a sense of the exam format and frequently asked questions. Your confidence will increase as you complete exam papers from the previous years. Additionally, you will be able to anticipate the types of exam questions and accordingly modify your study plan. Try to complete the problems within the time allocated, as indicated on the question paper, to test your speed, which will be needed for the final Board Examination.

Taking breaks frequently: 

Students are advised to take breaks frequently. You should not think about or feel stressed about your exams while you’re in a break. Your mind is not taking a rest if you utilize the break to discuss the course material with friends or organize your upcoming study session. If you don’t relax, your subsequent study session won’t be as productive.

Get enough sleep to enhance memory:

To improve memory, get enough sleep. Most students stay up late to finish studying for examinations. You must keep in mind that getting enough sleep is what transforms your short-term memory (what you just learned) into long-term memory (what you can recall sitting in the exam hall). Sleep for 7-8 hours every night to ensure that your brain actually retains everything you learned that day.

Before heading to bed, sip on a glass of hot milk if you’re having problems falling asleep.

Describe what you have learned:

Trying to explain a topic or a concept to someone who is unfamiliar with it would further help you determine how much you have learnt. Anyone who is willing to patiently listen to you could be your sibling, parent, grandmother, or anyone else. You will know that you need another revision when you find it difficult to convey certain information/subject matter to a layperson.

Exam day and the night before:

The night before the exam is extremely important. On the exam day and the minutes beforehand, too much cramming can make your brain spin out of control. For any area you feel is crucial or where you are less confident, you should ideally just take a review.

Half an hour prior to the start of the exam, put your book away and feel confident, at ease, and comfortable.

Final Thoughts

Study your course material, be well-prepared, and give your best shot while keeping a cool head. 10th & 12th board exam 2023 are not meant to daunt you; they are just meant to assess your knowledge of the subject.

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