EngineeringStudents Guide

Do’s And Don’ts while you Prepare for the JEE 2023!

Prepare for the JEE 2023! Posted On
Posted By Deepak Mishra

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The JEE is one of the most difficult entrance exams in the nation. IIT JEE preparation takes time, planning, effort, and attention. It serves as your entryway to the esteemed engineering schools across the nation. JEE preparation typically takes two years, however during this time, students frequently become lost and commit errors that can hurt their final preparation. Therefore, we must be aware of what we should do and what we shouldn’t do when we prepare for the NTA JEE 2023. The blog that follows will assist you in making decisions regarding the Dos and Don’ts during your preparation for the joint entrance examination.

List of Do’s

  • Be calm, patient and have faith in the procedure. The JEE requirement may make you feel intimidated or terrified, which might result in a lot of strain and finally procrastination.
  • Make sure you give your JEE preparation careful thought. While it is true that all it takes to succeed is self-discipline, determination, hard effort, and attention, preparation calls for these traits in addition to the proper approach, which can only be learned under the proper guidance of qualified teachers. So, approach the right expertise that can help you understand the topics, clear any doubts, and guide you towards the way to IIT.
  • Practice often and repeatedly. Consistent practice is the key to success in any competitive exam. With unlimited practice materials, you’re sure to improve before the test. The most vital method of JEE preparation is taking practice tests. It gives the students the chance to master key ideas and assess their exam readiness. Learn the JEE 2023 syllabus thoroughly and strengthen your foundational knowledge for the IIT-JEE exam.
  • Don’t try to make up for the preparation by diving into challenging subjects when you first start off. While skipping over the fundamentals initially might not be a problem, it will come back to bother you as the preparation period progresses.
  • Another crucial component for both JEE Main and JEE Advanced is revision. You can remember concepts, formulas, and time-saving techniques for a certain topic with the aid of revision. Every day, once a week, or twice a month, revision can be done. It also helps you get familiar with the subject since if you prepare such a large syllabus without periodically reviewing the chapters, you could feel as though you are learning this subject for the first time when you open a book after a long time. Therefore, revision must be done frequently.
  • Although NCERT textbooks are the only sought after books for the 12th grade, practically every student who was accepted into an IIT thinks that these books are the best for preparing for the JEE Main and JEE Advanced exams. The foundation for the JEE and other engineering exams is provided by these publications (NCERT books). These books can be used by all candidates to help them understand the topics in all three disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics).

List of Don’ts

  • Procrastination, which is the act of delaying doing something until later while still believing that there is sufficient time, is a very terrible habit. If we put off a task till tomorrow, we only put more pressure on ourselves, or we have to make up the time by studying longer, which is also quite taxing for the candidates. Therefore, we must always endeavor to avoid procrastination and try to stick to our study plan.
  • Never lose your level of confidence. The IIT JEE is open to all students. To get into the IITs, you don’t have to be outstanding. Actually, what you need is the assurance that you can pull it off. Students may have trouble comprehending concepts or completing problems, but these foolish things will never make you doubt yourself. You can watch topper interviews to boost your confidence, talk to your parents or teachers about any such matter, and then begin your study with greater assurance and zeal.
  • Additionally, it is believed that students might learn more by getting less sleep. It is actually a very unhealthy practice; if a candidate gets less than six hours of sleep each night, they are actually on the road to poor health and a stressed-out mind. Try to sleep at least 6 hours every day so that you and your mind can also have time to unwind. The negative effects of getting less sleep will severely hinder the candidate’s ability to study.
  • Don’t miss any coaching sessions. JEE preparation involves experienced supervision and coaching in the proper direction!
  • Never try to cut corners with your JEE preparation. You must not allow your judgement be clouded by the perceived difficulties of JEE preparation.
  • Don’t make studying for the JEE your top priority in life! It is acceptable to put all of your effort into getting ready, but be careful that it doesn’t become an obsession that consumes your thoughts and rules every aspect of your life!

Final Thoughts

The competition is undoubtedly fierce, but these suggestions should help lessen the pressure. To study effectively for the test, you must put a lot of effort and concentration into it. A lack of study time or preparation should not let your JEE preparation to turn into an obsession or to cause sadness. Preparation, concentration, and most importantly, enjoyment of the voyage, should come first. Don’t give up on the planning process. Take a brief break if you feel like giving up, but don’t use this as an excuse to stop studying altogether.

If you’re preparing for your Joint Entrance examination, then Vidyamandir Classes, which is a renowned coaching institute for the JEE/NEET preparation, makes sure that the pedagogy fits each student’s preferred learning style in order to aid pupils in passing the JEE Main 2023. We want to provide students with a comprehensive but stress-free preparation area from which they can benefit. The best part is that our Founders—real innovators, role models, thinkers, and agents of change—are paving the way. They have faithfully carried the teaching flag for the past 37 years, and they are still going strong as they actively and passionately support students as they strive to pass the nation’s most challenging exams.

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