IITJEE - 2011, Test Planning

Revision – JEE-2011

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Posted By Kulvinder Singh

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Dear VMC Students (ECC/Regular),

For the revision of all the course done till TS-3, we would like our students to revise all the tests (TS and 3HRT) conducted by VMC. Every VMC student is required to solve the following tests :

3HRT4, 3HRT3, 3HRT2, 3HRT1, TS-3(I&II), TS-2(I&II), TS-1(I&II)

Please solve all the above tests in a separate copy. The deadline for submitting (& checking by respective VMC faculty) the same (solved attempts) is 20thMay, 2010. You are supposed to carry your attempts in the class scheduled on or around the above mentioned date.

We would also like to see a consolidated analysis for each of the test (current performance not the earlier one ). It should contain the total number of questions in the test, number of questions attempted, number of wrong questions PER SUBJECT PER TEST.

Note : No student will be given a waiver so please don’t ask whether each one of you should do it or not. EVERY STUDENT HAS TO DO THESE TESTS & SUBMIT THEM.


VMC Team

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