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Posted By Devnaa Mishra

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Let there be no difference, love unconditionally.

11th October is globally observed as the Day of the girl child. The main focus of this International Day relates to the needs of the girl child that she faces in day-to-day life. It speaks of empowerment and fulfillment of their human rights. This day was given its due importance by United Nations itself in the year 2012. 

We have progressed in an end number of ways as a nation but some issues have not got their due recognition. And sadly enough the girl child is one of them! A nation can fully achieve and be considered complete only when there is no disparity between the sexes. Despite so much growth, India, unfortunately, lags behind in this very sensitive aspect. The lack of education is one of the primary reasons for such a setback. But mind you, we are not referring to academic education or we are not talking about what school or college the individual went to. What we are talking about is the level of education that was given to you when you were growing up. The ideologies and values that were a part of your daily dose that was either from your parents, grandparents, or teachers. That is the real education that makes you into a compassionate human being. 

The way you were brought up if you had more brothers and sisters and how were you treated in the midst of them if you are a girl, were you treated any differently, or were the boys given a higher degree of respect and value? 

These are the core values that are imparted to us in that very impressionable age. Because eventually, we evolve from these thoughts, ideas, and principles which define our core personality.

The youth is the future of the nation. So if they are served more compassion in terms of equality of sexes, it would become remarkably easier to promote awareness of issues that our country faces, and an effective resolution could be provided. Those resolutions could range from nutrition, child marriage, legal rights, medical care protection, honor, and female foeticide.

Once all these aspects are taken care of, the nation will see unstoppable growth.

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