
Slow & steady wins the race! The proverb has stood the test of time and is entirely true!

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Posted By Kapil Bhatnagar

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How can we determine what is right and wrong? We either learn how to tell the difference between the two through life’s experiences or from our elders. They may be our parents, grandparents, or anybody else, but common sense can be a terrific tool for helping us make our decision.

As students, we are not exposed to the highs and lows of life and may end up in a precarious position. The senses needed to behave responsibly could occasionally take a backseat. All you have to do is relax, take a deep breath, and then ask the question once again and you’ll get an answer right away.

Many times, becoming hyper or feeling nervous has the effect of making us lose control at crucial situations. Anyone who finds themselves in a common situation needs to first calm down. If you believe that you can think rationally while experiencing intense anxiety and excitement, you will merely become weary and the result will be zero.

For students who are, for example, taking an exam, this phase is especially important. I’m confident that the majority of you will be able to relate to my words now when the board exams get closer.

It is normal to feel anxious before an exam, but have you ever asked yourself “why”? You probably never gave it much thought. One of the intriguing causes of this ingrained behavior dates back to our ancestors! You see, whatever you choose to name it, this dread has been passed down to us as a priceless inheritance!

Let me explain. The reason why we have always felt anxious before taking an exam and the nerves that go along with it is mostly due to our parents and teachers often asking us to “please get serious, your examinations are here.” Therefore, it would appear that this is a quality that we did not inherit from our parents but rather acquired as we grew older and as exams became a crucial component of our academic program. Not because the parents are at fault or anything, but it’s important to realize that there’s really nothing to be afraid of!

We only need to recognize that it is probably just another day, with the exception of the fact that one particular subject will be treated like a VIP and our knowledge of it must be above the required standards.

All of this is being said in a lighthearted manner, but if this tiny error is not corrected, the outcome might be rather harmful. Making errors now and then is OK. We do occasionally make poor decisions, and that’s acceptable. But if we develop a habit, then, it will become disastrous!!

It is always better to move slowly in the right path than quickly in the wrong one. It’s always wise to go slowly, whether it’s in academics or any other area of life. You will be able to observe other people’s movements around you in this way. Rushing things always results in the loss of crucial information.

Slow and steady wins the race. The proverb has stood the test of time and is entirely true!

So let’s strive to monitor and regulate our behavior by always keeping our eyes and minds open.

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