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HOW TO REVISE FOR JEE | VMC Blogs - Vidyamandir Classes
EngineeringExam Tips


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Posted By Priyanka

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Perseverance is the key to success”

There is no substitute for hard work isn’t it? And when specially your exams are knocking at your doors, the one and only option available is ‘to revise and revise’. Since the countdown has already begun for the most important Engineering entrance exam of 2020, that’s JEE, the students should leave no stones unturned for practice and revision. Cracking the JEE exam is your way to get yourself enrolled into your dream college. Infact , in this fierce battlefield of competition for dream colleges, the students need to brush up vigorously and rigorously to make their limits reach up to the sky and then happily conquering it . So all you need to know is how to get that last minute revision on the right track:
STUDY REVISION NOTES WISELY AND CAREFULLY : Your JEE preparation is incomplete without revising the units. Identify your weak areas, consolidate them and carefully revise them unit wise. Try to focus on understanding concepts subject wise and continuously go on memorizing the formulae and diagrams. Stress more on solving the key concepts and carefully jot down the focal ones.
SCHEDULING A PROPER TIME-TABLE WOULD MAKE THINGS EASIER: At this point of time , try to prepare a routine including slots for each subject. Try scheduling your breaks within it and ensure that you have a proper sleep cycle. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep and stick to a proper diet and say a big NO to heavy junk food. Don’t overstress yourself.
DON’T LEARN ANYTHING NEW NOW: This time of the year should be concentrated on revising the old and already learned things again and again. Don’t try to learn any new concept or focus on anything new. Doing so , would derail the base already prepared or made by you.
PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT : Try and solve as much as you can , the practice sheets, previous years’ question papers, mock questions , tests and assessment sheets. Set yourself a time limit, within which try to fix your goals of solving some particular questions. This should ensure your comfort level. Solve questions , keeping in mind the time frame and then push yourself beyond your limits and set your goals further. This should be done on a daily basis and recapitulate what you have already prepared.
LEARN FROM YOUR PREVIOUS MISTAKES: Failure is the pillar of success.. how often we have heard it , right? In fact it’s from our mistakes that we learn the correct things. While revising identify where are the areas that you are getting wrong. List them down and then try not repeating those. Once done , bring out the list and put a ‘right’ arrow on the mistake you repeated and a ‘cross’ mark on the one you haven’t. This would definitely improve not only your learning skills , but hone your confidence level.
RELAX , BE CALM AND ENJOY YOUR PREPARATIONS: Lastly and most importantly don’t panic. Relax yourself after each hour by tuning to your favourite music or playing the game you enjoy the most or just by chatting with your family members. Remember , a strenuous learning can never fetch you fruitful results , so try to remain as calm as possible.

Over the years the name of VMC has become synonymous with success in Engineering exams . VMC provides its students with a set of study materials prepared to ensure comprehension of even the most difficult topics. It includes well designed layouts, innovative explanations , simple examples and other research proven techniques of study material, presentation.
We know what it takes to crack IIT-JEE better than most experts in the industry , since we have the highest selection rate and have produced tens of thousands of IITians since inception.
We provide a simulated exam experience to students to prepare them for the pressures if IIT-JEE Entrance. We have regular objective work sheets, solved examples and in-chapter exercises to ensure students internalize core concepts.
What is important that your preparation and revision should be time friendly. Hence , at home , while revising for JEE , you can simultaneously participate in our online live classes and work on various assessment sheets and conceptual problems. Remember that , concept knowledge is more crucial than the number of questions.

Overall , one should never panic. At VMC, we try to make students enjoy the preparations rather than making it feel like burden. You should never loose track of your goal and have a determined state of mind. Well , your motto should be now ,”E=mc^2 “ that’s Energy = My (own) Cogent Classroom!

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