Exam TipsMedical


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Posted By Priyanka

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“Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity”

We are going through the toughest phase of human existence. The pandemic named as COVID-19 has nearly put our lives to a standstill. In this crisis phase , the medical personnel have appeared as our saviours! Not only for now , but in the past and for the future till the world draws to an end , our doctors and medical friends had , have and would continue to be our ‘life-givers’ and ‘healers’. Hence , this aptly justifies the need for more and more medical personnel , the doctors , specially in a developing country like India. This demand in turn has increased more and more of young generation to apply for medical courses and for years, this craze has always been on the rise. However , the path to getting admission in medical isn’t that easy. One has to clear NEET, the first and foremost obstacle for fulfilling such dream.

NEET or National Eligibility cum Entrance Test is an all India entrance test for MBBS and BDS courses in different government and private medical colleges in the country. Of late it has become a bit challenging and is conducted by NATIONAL TESTING AGENCY or NTA. It is needless to mention that NEET is one of the toughest entrance exam of the country and requires meticulous attention, planning , hard work and preparation skills . Every year lakhs of students fight nearly neck to neck for competing for some thousands seats. Having said so , it might appear that its nearly impossible to crack NEET..But NO, remember that there is nothing called ‘impossible’, rather the focus be ‘I am possible’… And with smart work , acing NEET is no more difficult.

FOCUS ON YOUR CAREER GOALS AT PRIOR : The most important question is whether you really want to become a doctor or medical personnel ..If yes are you willing to take up the huge pressures of study ? Or are you mentally prepared for juggling both board exams and NEET at the same time? If your responses are positive then push yourself for cracking the same and give an early start to it
HAVE A CLEAR GRASP OF THE NEET SYLLABUS : Get yourself a clear idea of the entire syllabus of NEET. The NEET syllabus is huge and covers extensive topics of Physics , Chemistry , Zoology and Botany. Some parts of the syllabus is same as that of the NCERT one , so the overlapping of that parts would make things appear easy for the aspirants , since they don’t have to give extra pressures for preparing such. Instead they can focus on the other parts.

PICKING UP THE RIGHT NCERT BOOKS: NCERT books form the cradle of the NEET syllabus. Pick up the right books which have an extensive coverage of the syllabus, rather than directly going for the reference books. Your main purpose should be first to understand the syllabus and concepts , than to solve directly the questions.
GIVE YOURSELF THE RIGHT MENTOR OR GUIDANCE: Acing these exams require a proper guidance to help you learn the tips and tricks for solving the questions easily. However the mistake which most students make at this point is that they often can’t juggle between their schooling schedule and the timings of their coaching classes for these competitive exams. You should keep in mind that you shouldn’t compromise one for the other. Rather pick up the mentor who should facilitate both and your preparation shouldn’t be time-constraint.
THERE’S NO ALTERNATIVE TO REVISION : There’s no substitute to hard work , isn’t it? And there is practically no alternative to get revision done carefully and wisely. Identify your weak areas, consolidate them and carefully revise them unit wise. Try to focus on understanding concepts subject wise and continuously go on memorizing the formulae and diagrams. Stress more on solving the key concepts and carefully jot down the focal ones.
SCHEDULING A PROPER TIME-TABLE WOULD MAKE THINGS EASIER: At this point of time , try to prepare a routine including slots for each subject. Try scheduling your breaks within it and ensure that you have a proper sleep cycle. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep and stick to a proper diet and say a big NO to heavy junk food. Don’t overstress yourself.
PICK UP THE RIGHT REFERENCE BOOKS AND IGNORE OTHERS: Reference books contain a lot of key and conceptual problems to work out for. But you should remember that not all the reference books available in the market are accurate or are necessary to solve. Calculate yourself to know what is or are important and then proceed on accordingly.
PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT : Try and solve as much as you can , the practice sheets, previous years’ question papers, mock questions , tests and assessment sheets. Set yourself a time limit, within which try to fix your goals of solving some particular questions. This should ensure your comfort level. Solve questions , keeping in mind the time frame and then push yourself beyond your limits and set your goals further. This should be done on a daily basis and recapitulate what you have already prepared.
LEARN FROM YOUR PREVIOUS MISTAKES: Failure is the pillar of success.. how often we have heard it , right? In fact it’s from our mistakes that we learn the correct things. While revising identify where are the areas that you are getting wrong. List them down and then try not repeating those. Once done , bring out the list and put a ‘right’ arrow on the mistake you repeated and a ‘cross’ mark on the one you haven’t. This would definitely improve not only your learning skills , but hone your confidence level.
DISTRACT YOURSELF FROM YOUR SMART PHONES AND SOCIAL MEDIA: We are living in an alluring world , full of entertainment. But it is advised to keep yourself detached from all these , since it would aid in your lack of concentration. Qualifying an exam like NEET requires out and out concentration and focus.. Any deviation from the same would lead to a massive degradation. Of course , you can utilize your smart phone for some qualitative e learning classes or information , but say a big NO to the casual social media pages of Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp!

Now let’s have a sneak-peak into the don’ts:

Don’t learn anything new now: Doing do would derail the base already prepared by you
• Don’t jump on to the reference books directly ignoring the main books. Simultaneously, don’t focus on the number of questions just. Remember conceptual knowledge is more crucial than the number of questions.
• Don’t get demotivated and loose your track in between: Though there will be situations when you would feel to give up , but just remember that “without pains there’s no gains”
• Don’t be overconfident : Even if you feel you are ahead of your peers in terms of your preparation , carry on that hard work jestfully , after all “Perseverance is the key to success “
• Never overstress yourself. Overall , one should never panic. Relax yourself after each hour by tuning to your favourite music or playing the game you enjoy the most or just by chatting with your family members. Remember , a strenuous learning can never fetch you fruitful results , so try to remain as calm as possible.


VMC is a name that has become synonymous with success in Engineering and Medical Entrance Exams. At VMC , we dream , speak and taste success in each and every step. Similar to our IIT-JEE unprecedented success , we are proud to ensure the same for NEET , as we opened our doors for the latter’s guidance and preparation in 2016. With our Success Guarantee Programme (SGP) , we guarantee one to ‘Crack NEET or get fee refund’! We have an exceptional track record of 87.5% success in NEET 2019 and so we know it better that what it takes to crack NEET than most of the experts in the industry. At VMC , we believe strongly that practice should go on ,hence VMC is also offering 35% Anti-COVID scholarships on all NEET preparatory courses to provide quality education to the students at a minimum cost amidst the COVID – 19 pandemic situations.
At VMC, we try to make students enjoy the preparations rather than making it feel like burden. You should never loose track of your goal and have a determined state of mind. Remember “A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. …”

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