
JEE Advanced 2014 Counselling: Preference Sheet

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Dear Students, 


These preference sheets are based on extensive feedbacks of our alumni and hence will help you decide between the various choices that are offered to you around your JEE-Rank. 

Before you download and go through these preference sheets, there are some general comments that will explain some of the logic that goes into generating these choices for you. Hence, please read these comments carefully and fill your choices accordingly. Also, you are requested to read about course contents of various courses that are given in the IIT-JEE counselling brochure to get a feel of different engineering branches. You can also refer to the experiences of students who were admitted to different departments on Vidyamandir Blog.


Branch Preference :


General trends suggest in the last year cut-offs that Computer Science Engineering is filled first because of its wide scope and very good prospects after the undergraduate degree. Hence, it will generally come in the top of our preference list.

Hence, to summarise  we will generally prefer Computer Science Engineering followed by Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Production and Industrial Engineering and Civil Engineering.


Branch vs Brand Preference : 


This is the most typical question that a student asks himself when he wants to decide between the various choices that are offered to him. Honestly speaking, there is no single answer and it largely depends on what a student is looking for from IITs.

For instance, there are students who are clear even before joining IIT that they want to purse MBA after their graduation (or after few years of job experience) and hence for them we suggest brand over the branch because once the student has done MBA, branch hardly matters. Also, staying in a better city (hence a better brand) helps as you are exposed to better coaching institutes. Also, in such institutions you are really surrounded by very bright students and this also helps in developing an overall personality.

However, if somebody is interested in joining a particular branch say Computer Science (maybe because of job opportunities or interest in higher studies), he should not hesitate to go for a “less preferred” IIT because this is what the student wants to do eventually. Be assured that the job prospects and campus life will only be a shade lower in such IITs and hence it should not matter because the student is also reading the subject of his choice.

4 year courses vs 5 year courses :

This is also a typical question that many students ask while filling in the choices. The only disadvantage with a 5 year course is that it involves one year extra but overall you are equally placed with a student of 4 year course. So, if you are ready to spend of year extra, you should not hesitate to fill in a 5 year course. But in case you do not want to go for a five year course, please do not fill them in your choice sheet. For instance, sometimes people who take a gap year for preparing are hesitant to spend one year extra by taking a 5 year course.

Summary : 

Please read the following sheets along with their comments carefully and refer to the last year cut offs to make any changes. Also note that everyone will have a unique preference sheet according to his/her personal preferences. So, please use these preference sheets as a reference and not absolute source for designing yours.

Also, the ‘NR’ entry in the last column specifies courses which we generally do not recommend to students. But you may fill them out in your preference sheet as per your personal choice.

Preference Sheets:


1. Computer Science – Electronics/Electrical Specific List. (Branch-Specific)


Click to download


2. MBA Specific List. (Brand Specific)


Click to download




All the best. 😀



Vidyamandir Classes.

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