Students Guide


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Posted By Priyanka

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“The secret Alice, is to surround yourself with people who make your heart smile…Its then you ll find your Wonderland”
…Alice In Wonderland : Lewis Carroll

Man is a social animal. Throughout his span of life, he has to socialize in some form or another. And as we all know, Socialization is a life-long process, which begins from the moment we learn to speak and then it spreads it’s roots far, wide and beyond , leading to innumerable experiences in our lives. “Peers”, constitute the secondary building blocks of this Socialization and tend to influence our trail of lives tremendously. However, true to this quoted well-known speech of the Classic by Carroll, a good company of peer or Peers can make wonders, while the contrary is also utmost true. And it assumes all the more significance in the tender teenage years, wherein we tend to fall prey over our friend’s or peers’ influences.
Youcan pour your hearts out, you can drain all your energies, you can give all that you’ve got but still, you will always be measured on other people’s scale. We live in a society where we are under constant scrutiny; no matter how we perform, we will always be compared and judged. We will be compelled to feel dark and just not good enough. The matter only gets grave as we age. We meet thousands of people with each having a significant influence on our lives. Each friend and acquaintance shapes our outlook to a great extent. While the positive peers could push us to our best, the negative ones will lead us to utter disappointment. Therefore, it’s crucial to know when to draw the line while keeping ourselves and our goals at the top of the heap.
Especially, during exams like JEE and NEET which accompanies with it a lot of focus, determination and hard work, one cannot get swayed away by the glitch of the peer or some breakup problem. Sure you’re bound to have mixed emotions but just know that you’ve got to stand up and hustle for that dream that you’ve been seeing since last couple of years. You have to get your head on straight, stay focused, prepare for your exams and live that beautiful life that’s waiting for you, right across the horizon.
Irrespective of the severity of the pressure, there are ways to help you cope:
• Make a plan and adhere to it. When you’ll have a proper laid out time table, it’s unlikely that you’ll get diverted.
• Have friends who have similar values and goals. It’s better to have 2 to 3 real friends who drive you to the zenith of your potential than have herd of fake people who have nothing to offer apart from their negativity and pettiness.
• It’s okay to be selfish and say “No”. Keeping yourself and your dreams at the top of your mind should be important rather than your peers’ opinions about you.
• Peer pressure often leads to the competition between the fellow mates thus, giving rise to inferiority complex, ego and demotivation. It’s better to avoid people or situations that drain your energy and overwhelm you with stress, that’s the least you’d need while focusing on your exams.
• The gap between the statuses is one of the topmost reasons to set you off guard. Just remember, you were born to stand out. You can’t and you don’t have to please other people or neither is there any need to be liked by them.
• JEE/ NEET require extreme hard work and determination, and getting under the influence of your peers will derail you from your goals. It’s okay to study now while your peers are partying. They’ll probably be crying when you will be enjoying.
• Check in with your feelings every now and then. Do what is best for you.
• Limit your social media intake. In fact, just deactivate your account until your exams.
• Talk to your parents, mentors or anybody you trust regarding any of your worries. You’ll be amazed at how they listen and solve all your problems.
• Don’t let any external factor hamper your self-confidence. Believe in yourself and your dreams even if nobody does.

In the ship of JEE and NEET exam, you are the captain. You can take it to any direction you want. You will assuredly face hurdles in the form of your peers, girlfriend/boyfriend, family and the list is endless; but if you’re relentless in achieving your dreams then there’s nothing that you can’t overcome. Stay focused. Concentrate. Work Hard. And watch your dreams bloom in…Always keep in mind that , “A magic only becomes reality only with hard work , sweat and determination”. So, never loose track of your goal, just for the sake of overwhelming influence. Let this great saying by Swami Vivekananda , “Awake, arise and stop not till the goals are reached”, pivots your life , until you reach your mission.

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