Exam TipsJEE Main


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Posted By Priyanka

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“To be like Sun, you have to burn off like Sun”
-A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Each and every one on this planet is graced by the warmth and the light of sun. More often than not, we don’t realize how much the sun burns to illuminate the world. The JEE exam is more about perseverance than about difficulty. It’s more about turning up every time than being turned down. The feeling of defeat and demotivation is predestined but what truly matters is the beautiful and bright life that’s waiting for us right across the stretch of the rough JEE road; and how crazy we are to give whatever it takes. Sure, it’d be a bit nerve wrecking but it’ll all be worth it.

Let’s look at some of the best ways that you can keep your morale high and stay motivated while preparing for the exam:
• You need to believe in yourself and your preparation. Being happy and content should be your priority, and you will make sure that you are satisfied with your performance and get admission in a good college.
• Preparing for an intense exam like JEE will undoubtedly overwhelm you with irritation and stress. At that moment, imagine a bigger picture. Imagine getting into your dream institute. Imagine about the life you have dreamt for over the years. These imaginations will boost your confidence.
• Panic, stress, anxiety. Wipe all of those factors from your mind.
• Keep yourself away from the evil grudge of ‘competition’ or ‘rat race’…Instead focus on yourself, think of yourself and concentrate only on yourself!
• Don’t let one failure and your inability to solve certain problems stop you. Keep pushing yourself.

• Remember about all the work you have done for this test. The time you put into your preparation. What all you sacrificed for your preparation. Believe in that preparation of yours.

• Give your best and let God look after the rest. Trust his plans for you.

• Talk to your teachers and parents, they’ll give you positivity and confidence.

• Panic and fear lead to self-doubt and harm your result. So think about the time and effort you put in for that one day and the positive outcomes of a good result, condition, you give your 100%. And to give your 100%, you need to be fully active and confident. Remember, you’ll do well if you believe in yourself.

• Don’t think about how you will perform in your exam, or how others like your relatives will think if you are unsuccessful. Tomorrow when you give the test, it will be your moment to show all you have prepared in that single day. The opinions of others don’t matter.

• Go through the questions you have already done before. Going through those questions will help you boost your confidence and will also make you remember the hardships you have gone through, making you confident that you are prepared for the exam. Never try new questions before the exam.

• The day before the exam, don’t pick up any concept you weren’t able to do. Don’t doubt yourselves. The day before your exam, take a stroll. Don’t talk much to anyone about how their JEE session went. Focus on your own.

• Take a proper sleep a night before the exam. Wake up fresh, take a good bath, have a healthy breakfast and wear comfortable clothes. Give your best and forget about everything else.
• Never think of the result, but instead try to think of the struggles and hardships you have gone through. Remember, if you were dedicated enough in your preparation, nobody can stop you from being successful.

• And last, but not the least, if possible, try to meditate. This will not only rejuvenate your body, but also calm and relax your mind and freshen up with new aura of confidence.
Think what would be our world like had Thomas Edison given up after 1 unsuccessful attempt of inventing the bulb? On being asked by the reporter that “How did it feel to fail 1000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention of 1000 steps.” If that isn’t inspiring then nothing is. Often the life that we’ve imagined for ourselves is one step after we think of giving up. Don’t just let that one step hinder you from that life of yours. Keep fighting. Keep failing. Keep trying. Just know that every great thing to be have ever happened is the sum of thousands of imperfections and infinite failures. Think positive and remember, “80 percent of success comes from just showing

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