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Posted By Priyanka

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“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver “ : Mahatma Gandhi

“Health is wealth”, right? Yes, from our childhood our ears are used to hearing this good old proverb. From time immemorial, health is regarded as the greatest asset of human beings and why it shouldn’t be? Only you can win races if you are sound in body and mind and a nation can only prosper when her children are healthy! Indeed a Nation’s true wealth depends upon her human resources and hence it’s utmost important that her resources should usher in good health and healthy conditions. Malnutrition, poverty, improper sanitation and health conditions tether the world and been tearing apart. To curb these malignancies and for raising global awareness, the World Health Day celebrates 7th April every year as World Health Day…So, on this World Health Day, let us recapitulate and aware ourselves onto some important know-how’s :

The World witnessed tremendous devastation during the two World Wars. The terrific amplitude of the Second World War and its resultant horrible, incurable effects on the unfortunate lot, made the United Nations to have a day, dedicated to the ‘good health of the world’. Hence, the First Health Assembly took place in 1948, as the world was trying to recover from the wreckenings of the World War 2. The first World Health Day was observed in 1950 and since then important issues that are grasping the world are being brought by World Health Organization every year on this day. They stretch from community health, to mental health, child care, maternity health, women’s health, sanitations and climate change.
Observing World Health Day is of utmost importance as it is an opportunity to draw the attention of the world in the light of the issues concerning health problems and thereby raising awareness for the same. As per World Health Organization, long-term advocacy campaigns are usually launched on World Health Day.


For the past 1 year or more, we are going through the toughest phase of human existence due to the Pandemic, which has nearly altered and faltered our lives. The malignancy of the virus, the sufferings of the human beings, the panic of the society, the yell of the unfortunate has made the WHO to decide this year theme as “Building a fairer, healthier world for everyone”. World Health Day 2021 comes at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic has undercut recent health gains, pushed more people into poverty and food insecurity, and amplified gender, social and health inequities. Stating that our world is unequal, WHO said that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how some people can have better access to health services and live healthier lives than others and hence its only through our united efforts that we can reduce the disparities According to WHO, this “is not only unfair, but it is preventable”. So, they urge leaders to monitor health inequities, and to ensure that all people are able to access quality health services when and where they need them. WHO has listed down some steps, to ensure everyone, everywhere can realize the right to good health. They are:
Work Together : Work Hand-In-Hand
• Collect Reliable Data
• Tackle Inequities
• Act Beyond Borders : Acting Beyond National Borders.

Hence, on this World Health Day, let us pledge accordingly for a healthy, united world free of pandemic, malnutrition, disparities, improper sanitation, unhealthy living conditions and lifestyle, ill mental health, health inequalities, and gender inequalities. Let our motto be “Health For One and All” and in this resolution, let us thank the Frontline health workers, who had, have kept their lives at stake for our smile. Therefore, always remember the eternal saying of Winston Churchill, “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have”.

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