MotivationalStudents GuideVMC

Coping with learning challenges

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes them meaningful.”


There are days when the difficulties are a bit too much to bear. There are nights when we are not sure how to look towards a better tomorrow. What we need to realise in the moments or days like these is that, challenges only come to make us better and to help us grow.

Below are few tips that could inspire you to grow and help you cope with learning challenges:

  • Make a plan: Everybody on this planet is oblivion to the future. Nobody knows what’s going to happen next. But we can always have a plan ahead. For example: if your challenge is to learn the physics derivations or maths formulae, then you can learn by making notes and sticking them onto the wall within your close proximity so that, you can have a look at them and revise effortlessly.

  • Realise you’re not alone: Sure, you might have couple of breakdowns every now and then but knowing that you’re not alone can be a huge relief. Your friends might be going through almost similar emotional turmoil especially, during the exams. Reach out to them. Express your concerns. Share your feelings.

  • Have a positive mindset: Your thinking becomes your reality. Therefore, train your mind to think positively. This certainly will require both time and practice but it can be attained. It all begins with mental awareness. Practice mindful techniques and meditation. As you gradually progress towards recognizing your thoughts and letting them flow by, you can halt negative thoughts on your track towards learning.

  • Think big: Feeling of failure, fear of not being able to make it towards your goals can often be a setback and can spark a sense of inadequacy within you. Hence, thinking and dreaming big can be the outlet or the solution to your chaos. By doing so, you will definitely achieve more than you can possibly fathom. Try not to let your challenges block the road towards your dreams.

  • Never give up: Persistence is the key to cope up with the challenges. When a challenge arises in the form of big exam that you’re about to give, make sure you fight and conquer it- with your grit, determination and passion. As long as you keep yourself strong then, no matter the circumstances, you shall prevail.

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