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Healthy mind, Healthy career

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“If you have a strong mind and plant in it a firm resolve, you can change your destiny.”

– Paramahansa Yogananda

The mind is the most powerful tool that humans possess. It is probably the only thing in the world that could help you accomplish success and transform you into the person you’ve dreamt of becoming. Often people who make good choices pertaining to their mental and physical wellness are at their best and as a result, they achieve greater career and life outcomes.

When thinking about our careers, we consider all the aspects- be it from what we’re doing to what we’ll be doing to the opportunities we’ll explore. However, we often ignore the most important piece of the puzzle which is- our own wellness. The fact that healthy mind leads to strong career is as true as it can get. So, here are few simple points, general exercises which are enormously powerful in an attempt to develop and maintain strong and healthy mind and body which could thereby result in promising career:

Physical movement throughout the day

While studying or even preparing for exams round the clock can take a toll on the body. Remaining in an inactive position for hours can send signals to your brain that you are ‘shutting down.’ The best way to interject this process is by exercising or stretching during your study sessions. Some light exercise that you can consider doing are:

  • Active stretching occasionally throughout the day
  • Taking a quick walk around the house in between breaks
  • Adopting chair yoga

A little bit of exercise or movement can make a huge difference in terms of improving your motivation and overall productivity while studying.

Mental health is important

Mental health is as much important as is the physical wellbeing; for both maintains equilibrium. Few strategies you can adopt in order to boost your self- care routine are:

  • Take breaks: When you are in the middle of a difficult part in the chapter, or just finished draining numerical, give yourself the space to relax. Resuming problem with refreshed eyes is sometimes all you need. Taking even a lunch break away from your study table can have substantial effects.
  • Talk to someone: If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or nervous about the exam that’s just around the corner, make sure to talk to someone and tell them how you feel. Expressing your feelings can not only relieve stress but can also provide you with the much-needed motivational boost.
  • Get enough sleep: In order to be your best self while studying or anywhere in life, you need to get enough sleep. Quality sleep can make a significant difference in your life.
  • Try a phone app: There are various apps that could help you stabilise your stress and achieve precious moments of relaxation. Apps like Calm allow access to guided meditations that help remind you to take care of your mental health when it’s needed most.

Taking care of your mind and body is key to optimising your performance and effectiveness while studying or preparing for exams. Good mental and physical health can contribute big time to your career success so, make sure before anything else, you should learn to be able to take very good care of yourself.

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