Students GuideVMC


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Posted By Devnaa Mishra

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Who dunnit???

By far, JEE & NEET are one of the most popular competitive exams, and many find them tough too! But the fact remains that it is only an exam and not a matter of life & death! 

We are all humans and react differently in different situations. Our strategies/approaches are all significantly characteristic of the personalities that we are! There are those who take it easy & just go with the flow. They neither stress out nor get negatively impacted.

But there are a few who take a longer time to even acknowledge being in a scenario. School students have been found to get a bit too hyper and stressed out when the examinations approach. It is very natural though & is not a problem that needs to be addressed. I think we all get a little nervous & anxious. 

The thing that needs to be given importance is that one must not become a victim of this so-called, nervousness. It should not start impacting your overall output because that will have a negative influence on everything. 

The students appearing for competitive exams often face this situation. Now we need to understand why that happens, and how can we overcome them. 

What is the blame game psychology?

People may play the blame game to help explain a situation. When something goes wrong, you probably feel a need to explain why the problem happened, and oftentimes, blaming someone else helps people feel like they have located a cause. People often assume that someone has to be at fault if there is a problem.

How many times have you shown up late somewhere and blamed traffic? 

Traffic is such an easy thing to blame when you rush into work ten minutes late. But is it really traffic’s fault that you’re late? It could be a precipitating factor but surely not the only cause! 

Blaming others for your own misfortunes–whether it’s another person or an external circumstance–is an easy way to outsource unwanted responsibility.

Studies in Psychology & Sociology have revealed that people who take accountability for the challenges that they face in life are more prone to being empowered. Since they take responsibility for everything, they automatically fall into the category of self-love & subsequently, self-improvement. This means that people who do not play the blame game know & believe that they have control over their life. While others embark upon frugal dismissals by blaming others.

So, how is this tendency connected to students preparing for JEE & NEET or other competitive exams?

You see, it is all very simple and very connected. 

Students do get distracted because of the nervousness that they experience at the time of an examination, but when they start passing the buck on to either how strict parents are, how inadequate is the coaching institute, friends are disturbing factors, siblings are annoying, so on and so forth. 

Now the reality is usually far from all of the excuses that students begin to give in order to justify their inability to study and concentrate. This has to be taken very seriously because this attitude will only ruin their careers. If you are feeling underconfident about a subject, or a topic, it is your responsibility to re-do it so as to get a grip that is hard to go loose. Once that is taken care of everything else will start falling in place. 

The subjects/topics that are included in the JEE NEET examination do not require mugging up. Instead, they need to be studied in order to gain an in-depth understanding. This will improve your confidence meters & assist you in forging ahead. 

And what about fear?

Is fear a good thing? 

In my opinion, fear is something that can act as a very positive attribute. It can push you towards explorations, and expertise. If taken in a positive manner, the scope that fear opens can be amazing.

Dr. Gaurav Sharma, an expert in the field & a gem of VMC explains in a few words the importance of fear, and how to take care of your confidence.

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