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Posted By Devnaa Mishra

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Our daily lives have become increasingly reliant on digital technologies. Our laptops, cellphones, PCs, and tablets provide instant access to resources and information. Excessive use of your gadget might leave you physically and psychologically exhausted. In this age of the COVID-19 pandemic and indoor refuge, many individuals are even more reliant on their electronic devices. Perhaps you’ve discovered that monitoring your social media feeds makes your mood worse or makes you feel worried. These are symptoms of what is increasingly being referred to as “information overload” or “digital overload.” However, you can recognize digital overload and make adjustments to better balance your digital usage. When you have problems processing the quantity of information you take in online, you experience digital overload, which can make you feel distracted, anxious, tired, or even depressed. It could possibly have something to do with how you’re processing the information.

If you use your devices too often, you may notice a shift in your stress level. According to studies, those who spend more time on their computers and on social media sites are more worried. You may become agitated, find it difficult to relax, feel tired, or experience physical symptoms such as headaches. Excessive usage of electronic devices has been linked to depression and anxiety symptoms such as excessive worry, mood swings, and thoughts of hopelessness. Excessive technology use has been related to increased rates of depression and suicide in youth, according to a recent study. The study does not prove that screen time causes depression or suicide, but it does suggest that kids who spend too much time in front of screens are more likely to be unhappy. If you spend too much time on your devices, you may develop more medical issues.

Digital overload has a big impact on us. Sleep issues are common among people. When you use your phone immediately before bed, you may find it difficult to turn off your thoughts and fall asleep. Visual issues are another concern. We risk overworking our eyes if we spend too much time staring at our devices. Eye strain, poor vision, and dry eyes can all result from this. This can also be caused by a decrease in bone density. We frequently sit or lie down when using our smartphones. This lack of physical activity can lead to a loss of bone density, increasing our chances of fracturing a bone. Sedentary behavior can also make it simpler to acquire weight and raise your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. When we spend too much time on our phones and don’t move our bodies enough, we are more likely to develop chronic health problems like high blood pressure.

You can be affected by digital overload in other ways as well. When you spend too much time on your devices, you may lose out on other things that take place offline. Time spent on your smartphone could mean time spent away from friends or family, which is detrimental to your emotional and physical well-being. Your gadget could also be a source of distraction, keeping you from attending to your responsibilities at home or at work.

People who use their smartphones excessively may develop a digital addiction in severe circumstances. Gaming disorder is a loss of control over the use of digital games that can damage social, personal, family, educational, and occupational sectors of life, according to the World Health Organization. Experts are also looking at how people use social media and shop online.

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