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With infinite dreams in heart and excitement in blood, millions of young minds commence their journey to become engineers and doctors craving to get into college of their choice. But much to our displeasure, life never goes as planned, it’s as uncertain as the next JEE exam we are about to give. However, no matter how much oblivious we are to the questions we’ll be thrown at, we can always be well-prepared to fight a fierce battle and let exams and life call it shots; with the hope that the victory will forever be ours!
Exam is synonymous to stress and fear; JEE , being amongst the toughest exams in India is no exception. With the years unfolding and competition getting tougher, adopting right steps at the right time will not only enhance you to perform your best but it will undoubtedly act as a cherry on the cake.
This is the high time for the students who are appearing for JEE main February session. Firstly, students should not think too much about the result and four attempts right now. Keep yourself motivated and do wonders in JEE all four session. Board exams will start in May & now your focus has to be such that it should be win-win situation for both the exams the board & JEE. Yes, an exam like JEE requires a lot to memorize, revise, recapitulate etc, specially when there are innumerable formulae and concepts. But no need to worry.. Here remains some of the easiest ways as how you should go on memorising such a vast expanse:
• Regular online and offline tests(mains and advanced) based on the topics you have already studied and 15-20 full syllabus tests are conducted before every JEE mains exam. So if you prepare seriously for these exams, you won’t face any memory retention related problem as after giving all these exams it is quite natural for one to remember the basic concepts and formulae related to all the chapters.
• Know your memory type: Whenever you try to remember something, think about how you remember it, is it a picture, or a sound, or a touch? For most people, it is a picture. When you have a visual memory, you end up thinking of pictures of the memory (like the page of book it was written in), so the best way to memorize is keep a fixed place from where you read each material from. Like if you have written Organic Reactions in your yellow notebook, don’t change and write it again in any other notebook just to start memorizing it from there, your mind will get confused.
• Give attention to problem areas: While you’re giving tests you might approach some concepts that no matter how many times to revise you always forget, or that you had once studied but have now forgotten, or concepts that you might not have covered at all. When the test will be approaching, write these concepts down in a separate notebook, because giving these topics special importance will make you more likely to remember them.
• Memorising notes is not that difficult if you are organised. So make sure that you keep notes accessible and organised at all times. Trust me, you don’t want to spend 15-20 minutes just to find the correct notes
• You should write all the formulas as clear as possible because clear handwriting would help you to easily read them and you won’t procrastinate reading them. You can also add few important questions from each chapter at the end of these sheets as these questions will help you to strengthen your basics of that particular topic.
• The key is REVISION. I am sure that you have heard this a lot but what is important is the technique of revision. So revision should be done in phases. While studying the chapter for the first time. The first time you study anything, it’s new, and it does seem harder than what it actually is, so we write very detailed notes. After writing these, you should read those that day or the next day and clear anything which still seems unclear.
With competitions rising and rising across the Nation, the path towards achieving success is no doubt getting harder…However, true to the “struggle for existence” theory, one has to prepare himself for the fierce struggle in order to bear golden reaps in the future. Thus always keep in mind that, “perseverance is the key to success” and that with hard work, sweat and determination all your dreams will turn into reality…So get, set and push it!