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Posted By Devnaa Mishra

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Someone has truly said, Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites”. This means if we ration our taking from nature and give back what we can, when we can, by not polluting and, cleaning pollution, that we can live off of what nature provides us. 

Energy conservation day is celebrated on 14th December globally to highlight the importance of energy consumption and its use in our day-to-day life, its scarcity, and its impact on the sustainability of global ecosystems. It focuses our concentration on significant issues facing the future of mankind with respect to energy. This day serves to spell a sense of urgency on the issues involved. Additionally, we should also try to play our share to save energy at home and are in labs and offices.

In this contemporary world, it is a need of the hour to save energy because saving energy reduces air and water pollution and conserves natural resources, which in turn creates a healthier living environment for people everywhere. At the same time, efficiency also saves money and creates jobs. This is a chain reaction that occurs at all times. In recent times the pollution levels have increased manifold, and many educational institutions have shut down offline working. In order to be able to understand the impact that it leaves on each one of us, and not just the children, we ought to make a resolve that we will bring about a positive change. 

The effects on children of Covid-19 lockdown were tremendous, and now the pollution. Schools began to function but it was due to the lack of empathy towards our environment that resulted in the mental/moral/psychological deadlock of school/college-going students. We have to remember that it is imperative to take care of our environment. 

Equilibrium has to be maintained at all times. These climatic patterns only deplete stores of natural resources. On the other hand, excessive energy use can also harm animals and ecosystems. Mining, logging, and material extraction associated with the provision of fossil fuels destroy habitats on land and in the ocean. Imagine the kind of suffering that water creatures or even land creatures must be experiencing. These animals/birds are a part of our ecosystem. Their extinction or depletion should be considered as a red flag for human annihilation. Though not everybody understands the severity of the situation, if you need to survive, you have got to care about the existence of all creatures.

Do you wish to live like Mowgli or Bear Grylls? To survive without electricity, clean water, and Wi-Fi? As adventurous as it may sound, we all cannot live like that forever. But sadly, there will soon come a day when we run out of energy resources if we keep on using up the resources at the present rate of exhaustion. So let us do our bit by saving energy so that we do not fall prey to the stone-age days. 


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