MotivationalStudents GuideVMC

Power of consistency when working towards a dream

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Posted By Abhilasha Singh

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“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”

– Dwayne Johnson

The power of consistency when working towards a dream is profound. If you really want to get admission into your dream engineering or medical college and if you allow yourself to study consistently then you’ll certainly be able to tap onto success. The belief that you’re wholly proficient to change your behaviour in order to lead big changes and make a difference in your life is true to its core.  Hence, when working towards a goal, it’s imperative to create habits that we can trust and rely on. Some of the greatest benefits that you can extract by implementing habits into your journey towards achieving a milestone are:

  • Enhances focus: With habits comes incredible focus. Questioning how to achieve a goal is one of the most diverting efforts one has to put in, however, the most crucial one.  Incessantly pondering over all the roads, you think will get you towards your goal and which one you should take that will actually move you closer can be quite demanding. Setting habits then comes into rescue as it generates dedicated effort each day. You have set course of actions, and so you can focus on performing them to the best of your abilities instead of thinking what you need to do.
  • Builds priorities: Sacrifice is a common matter when working towards a goal. With an aim to succeed, you have to be willing to put certain activities above others. How to go about setting such firsts and sticking to them is often tricky. Habits are the answer to this impasse. When you create habits for yourself, you inevitably set priorities, you have decided on the activities that will be done daily to push you towards your goal.
  • Shapes trust: Trust is one of the most important driving factors when working towards a goal. There’s no two ways about the fact that consistent actions breed results and by adopting effective habits, you build trust within yourself which in return allows you to trust in the process while helping you to avoid overthinking and guessing your purpose.
  • Boils down anxiety: How will I achieve my dreams? How long will it take for my dreams to come true? Will I be able to crack JEE? Will I get seat in my dream medical college? What will happen if I fail? Anxiety is one of the common yet major challenges when striving towards a goal? Consistent, daily habits is what boils down anxiety. If you have your focus and priorities in line and if you trust yourself then there’s nothing that could stop you from hitting your target and succeed.
  • Increases your chances of success: The fact that consistency leads to success can’t be stressed enough. If you want your dreams to stand before you, do all that you can, pour your heart out and understand that consistent effort must be applied and you have to keep working day in and out until your goal is accomplished.

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