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Posted By Devnaa Mishra

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Valentine’s day is known to have its origin in ancient Rome and dates back to 469 AD! Seems like another lifetime, doesn’t it?

A feast of Lupercalia was celebrated from the 13th to the 15th of February and that is when St. Valentines Day came into existence. It was from there on that this day became inevitably writ in the sands of time. 

Here’s a quick peek at the history of St. Valentine, and how did the name come into existence.

While the feast of Lupercalia was a common ritual, it was in the 3rd century A.D. when Valentine’s Day got its name. Emperor Claudius II had ordered Saint Valentine, a priest who helped Christian couples in getting married, to be executed. Emperor Claudius II was against the marriage of single men and ordered that Saint Valentine should be beheaded. The execution happened on 14 February. It is also said that while St. Valentine was imprisoned, he took care of the jailor’s blind daughter and even wrote her a card which said ‘from your Valentine’. And that is how Valentine’s day got its identity.

It’s a day of love but has also been misinterpreted for many years. Valentine’s day is for all those who feel any kind of love, respect, or compassion toward another. It can be for friends, parents, teachers, etc. there is no defined category. 

Isnt love such an integral part of our lives?

If there was no love then I wonder where this world would be headed to! Love for oneself, love for God, love for your parents, love for siblings, love for animals, and so on. The base on which every relationship rests is, apparently, love. We may not realize this but if you took a deeper look you would find love as the soul of almost everything. A day when we make promises and swear by the Lord to live up to them, why not pledge to always love because this is that one ingredient that will cut through all hurdles that life has in store for all of us. 

Do you think one can love a nonliving thing? Try to fall in love with your academics and your dreams, because if you are able to do that, this ‘nonliving’ aspect will make your life worthwhile!


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