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Posted By Devnaa Mishra

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Someone has truly said, “when you can’t breathe, nothing else in your life matters”. This World Asthma Day help to create awareness about asthma so people can breathe more easily.

Every year on the first Tuesday of May, World Asthma Day is commemorated to raise awareness about the lung disease called asthma. This day also emphasizes how this awful disease may be managed and cured with the correct therapy. 

Not just the elderly, but children as small as a few months old too are gripped by this menace. 

Asthma affects 15 to 20 million individuals in the country, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Patients of all ages are included in this category.

On the sidelines of the World Asthma Meeting in Spain, the first World Asthma Day drew participants from 35 nations. Since that time, it has been observed on the first Tuesday in May, which falls on May 3 this year. The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), which is a WHO collaborative organization, organizes World Asthma Day. The focus for World Asthma Day this year is ‘Closing Gaps in Asthma Care.’

The goal of World Asthma Day is to close the gaps in asthma care which primarily means…find the root cause of asthma.  The day has been designated to raise awareness of the medical challenges that asthma sufferers confront, as well as to encourage fair access to diagnosis and treatment (medicine).

The day is also recognized for raising awareness about the importance of improving asthma-related communication and educating people about the disease.

The day is commemorated to guarantee that international respiratory communities collaborate with patients and medical health professionals to deliver solutions to all asthmatic sufferers worldwide, according to GINA.

There are numerous misunderstandings concerning asthma, such as the belief that it is a childhood disease that can be cured as a person grows older. Exercise should be avoided by asthmatics. Asthma can be managed with the use of high-dose steroids. Asthma spreads quickly.

However, asthma may strike anyone at any age. Asthma isn’t contagious. Asthmatics who have their asthma under control can exercise safely. Low-dose inhaled steroids can help manage asthma.

An asthmatic should take his or her medication as directed and maintain his or her nebulizer and inhaler with them at all times. Asthmatics should live in a clean environment and get as much fresh air as possible, according to the CDC.

This World Asthma Day, “STOP for Asthma”. The STOP refers to Symptom Evaluation, Test Response, Observe and Assess, and Proceed to Adjust Treatment. Let us promise ourselves to take more precautions against Asthma and to have surroundings that are clear and free from toxins. This World Asthma Day, let us aim to go back to days when there was no such disease when there was only healthy air to breathe and a healthy heart to beat. 

Best wishes on World Asthma Day!

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