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Counselling JEE Adv – Mechanical @ IITD

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Mechanical engineering is not about purely cars and bikes. It envelopes all sectors like agriculture, defence, mining, etc. Don’t be surprised to hear that mechanical engineering can be applied to jam production. It is basically concerned with machines and how to improve their working efficiency.

Mechanical Department is broadly classified into 3 categories namely:

1. Design Group

2. Thermal Group

3. Production Group

4. Industrial Group

Out of these three, a mechanical engineer looks at mostly design, thermal and production aspects. Combination of third and fourth is in itself a separate branch (refer to Production and Industrial Engineering).

Design field involves from making simple mechanisms like valves, gears to building a complex robot. Design field is very interesting as you actually get a lot of experience during your stay and might just end up designing something very useful. For example: A team of students designed a system that can take the wheelchairs through the stairs of a building, which is very useful in places where there is no lift.

Courses in thermal field offer in teaching Engineering thermodynamics, heat transfer and its applications in Compressors, Turbines, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Power Plants, Internal Combustion Engines and Jet Engines. If you aspire to learn about all these mechanical engineering is the right choice for you. For example if you want to design the air condition system for Delhi Metro, you will require knowledge about this field.

In general courses involve a lot of practical stuff and give you a new insight. Many courses are laborious and demand large time input but it is worth it. By name, it seems that courses do not involve any mathematics but in actual, they do involve a lot of calculations. In the first year itself you get some hands on training in the central workshop – i.e. you work with drilling machine, milling machine, sheet metals, etc. You are also provided a sound knowledge in solid and fluid mechanics. It is interesting as you get to see what actually happens.

Apart from courses, various clubs namely: FSAE, Mini BAJA and Robotics at IITD facilitate in gaining a lot more practical knowledge (don’t worry if you don’t understand them, you will in due course of time). These clubs work on building Formula Style Car, All Terrain Vehicle and Robots respectively. All the clubs have been regularly participating in International Competitions and are working hard in bringing pride to IIT Delhi.

Faculty is very good as they have a lot of knowledge and some of the best professors of IIT Delhi are from this department.

Purview for higher studies is really good. People have qualified in top US universities in the past and this trend will definitely continue because of the sound training that you get here. Placement scenario has been quite good till date.

Jobs in both core companies (where you use mechanical engineering) and non-core companies are fairly decent. You might end up with a company like HUL, ITC, Proctor and Gamble, Hero Honda etc.


Achin Jain & Divya Kalvit

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