IITJEE 2009Test Series

IITJEE 2009: TS8 Result for Paper II for Test center students

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Dear Students

The required corrections have been made and the result is now available to all the students of IITJEE 2009 TS-8 series.

For any clarifications, you can:

1. Raise tickets at VMC Support center. To raise a ticket, click here.

2. Talk to a Support executive. To talk to our executive on phone, please use the following numbers:

Landline: (0124) 3048761/762/763/764

Mobile: +91 9711265586



— Posted on 31 December, 2008 —

Deat Students

There has been some minor discrepancy in the result of Paper II of TS8 for IITJEE 2009 held recently.

This discrepancy is only for Match the Column type questions for the students who took the test at the Test centers only. The change communicated at the Test centers in these questions was not completely incorporated while processing the OMR sheets.

We are correcting the result for these questions for the students who took the paper at the Test centers and the updated result would be available soon.

We deeply regret the inconvenience caused.

Best Regards

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